HAV is the result of an encounter between two different people who share a passion for surfing. A craftsman and an engineer who believed in the same idea from the start; to make quality surfboards, made by hand and 100% customised for every one of their clients.
Coming from this idea, we started thinking: How could we make a design that were to be different, authentic, and remarkable?
After giving it a lot of thought, we decided that the best way of doing this was to design a surfboard that would tell Juan and Andrea's story; two different people with two different paths who ended up finding each other in this big labyrinth that is life thanks to their passion for surfing. So HAV was born.
We dived in and tried to portray this beautiful story through an attractive, ravishing product up to the standard of HAV surfboards. We are not going to lie, it wasn't easy. All of a sudden we found ourselves trapped in our own labyrinth. After many attempts, we found our longed-for exit. We finally found the direction that took us to the result we all wanted.

HAV labyrinth is waiting for you. Choose a side of the board and start your journey. The first one to get to the center wins.

0034 934 874 985
Joan d'Àustria, 126, 6-4
08018 Barcelona, Spain
© Noreste 2025