21 — Sattva Giacosa

December 10, 2020
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Sattva Giacosa is a Venezuelan artist, born in Las Tapias-Venezuela and currently living in Vienna. She is a self-taught photographer. Since an early age she used writing and photography to cope with her nomadic reality.

Sattva Giacosa‘s work is inspired by her own experiences and influenced by the interactions she has had during her life as an immigrant in Europe. Sattva intensively deals with photography and storytelling. She focuses on the inadequacies and incalculable effects of analog techniques. Not only in the process of taking photographs but also spending days in the darkroom enlarging and working with materials directly. She steps out of the hyper realism of the photographic era in which we live in. Uses photography as means of communication and a way to revisualize the intricate way our society is built.


Sattva Giacosa_photography



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